How do I pay a Seller directly?
Jobvir Team 23rd February 2018The seller will need a Jobvir account (it’s free to sign up)
Create a description of what they’re buying and the price by creating a private project. (Prices are quoted in US dollars for global clarity but processed in the bitcoin equivalent.)
Get the seller to send you their profile link (available in their profile section) and then invite the seller to buy your item by placing a bid on it.
Once you accept a bid you need to pay the amount of the bid upon acceptance. Budgets and bids are quoted in US Dollars for reference, but all transactions occur in Bitcoin. Once you accept a bid for the US Dollar amount, you’ll need to make a payment, in Bitcoin, for the equivalent US Dollar amount at the exchange rate at that time. After the transaction, all amounts pertaining to that project will be quoted in the bitcoin (or other crypto currencies where indicated) amount paid.
Once you’ve accepted and paid, this notifies the Service Seller and you can then move into the Workspace to chat and work with the Service Seller.
This winning bid amount is then held by Jobvir for the security of both Service Seller and Buyer. Only once you have marked your project as complete, will funds be released to the Service Seller.
Should a Buyer or a Service Seller at any time decide to cancel an accepted bid project, the project will move into a disputed phase whereby Jobvir will investigate and make a decision on which party wins the dispute (See ‘Disputes Resolution’).