How covid-19 will change the workforce forever
Jobvir Team 26th March 2020For a long time now, employers have been toying with the idea of hiring skills on a ‘for need’ basis.
Similarly, employees have been dreaming of setting their own hours and working for multiple projects they choose as freelancers.
However, as individual movements in the workplace, they have transformed the way we work in a slow and glacial way. It’s difficult for old habits and comfortable ways of doing things to change unless people are forced to.
One of the reasons it hasn’t worked well before is because the ‘power’ was always viewed as being skewed, somewhere, someone was getting the better deal.
However, things have changed.
With the advent of modern technologies like online collaboration and blockchains, there is the idea that there may be a better way.
A way where using a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin means a strong fiat currency is not viewed as an advantage. A way where a site like creates the opportunity where parties can negotiate work fairly, to the benefit of both.
A way where there are other opportunities if the one in front of you is not working for you, whether that be a bad employee or a bad employer.
Historically, many social and employment changes have been brought on by unforeseen large scale events. The Black death in the 1300’s disrupted the European feudal system so much that it was replaced with the modern day employment contract.
In much the same way the 2008 recession fueled the rise of the sharing economy, and major companies like AirBnB and Uber, because people were forced to rent out spare rooms or use their cars to offer lift services, to make extra cash or even a living.
Currently, the Covid-19 pandemic is becoming one of those seminal watershed events in the working world. Workers are being forced to stay home, some who’ve lost their jobs have taken up freelance positions. Some companies are managing to implement systems to allow employees to work remotely or are hiring temporary workers to cut costs on permanent positions.
Turns out, that job that was impossible to do off site, can be done offsite.
Turns out that cryptocurrencies survived the economic panic.
Turns out, people across the world can work remotely with positive results.
Turns out the sharing economy actually works, despite everyone predicting sharing cars and houses would end in catastrophe.
The way we work is about to change. Employers need a solution that can see them adjust to the demands of their business in an ever changing digital age. Employees need a work life balance that lets them earn to their potential, grow and improve much quicker than working their lives away waiting for a promotion.
Many employers lose out on valuable skills when full time employees do tasks that only tap a portion of their potential or skill set.
Likewise, many opportunities for employees are waiting to be found when they can choose multiple work projects and maximize their skills.
For those who love work, 18 hour days are a possibility with a remuneration that fits their dedication.
For those with demanding lives, shorter hours or staggered working days can be achieved.
Seems like when the people run the show for the people (with the technological advancement of concepts like the sharing economies combined with blockchain). Where central agencies are not directly involved in controlling the flow of goods money / help / charity / etc. It seems like sharing, helping, working together, believing in the common good and the greater picture, actually works. Maybe we can believe in a better world after all. Go figure.
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